Sunday, November 15, 2015

Coaching Videos

Over the years I've watched a lot of  DVD's and YouTube videos to help coach my daughters.  I want to share a couple of favorites for fielding:

When my girls were younger they also pitched.  Baseball pitching is obviously very different from softball pitching.  Even though I had been a baseball pitcher in my younger days, I needed help to understand the basic mechanics of fastpitch pitching.  My girls took pitching lessons from various coaches, which certainly helped, but some of the ideas can be reinforced through videos.  I find that for most people it's easiest to learn by watching key concepts demonstrated by skilled pitchers, far more effective than reading.  The video I recommend for pitching is Cheri Kempf's The Softball Pitching Edge DVD.  Cheri Kemp is owner/coach of Club K, a fastpitch training facility in Tennessee.  She has been coaching for many years.  You can find more information about her on the Club K website

The DVD can be bought be bought on Amazon: The Softball Pitching Edge DVD